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Writer's pictureSamantha Brody

Israel By Number

Sometimes, learning about Israel is hard. It's reading a lot of long articles, studying statistics, and researching for hours only to discover none of the information you actually wanted (I know, it's happened to me too). But learning about Israel can be easy! To wrap up the week, here are some Israel facts through numbers!

8,884,000 people in Israel (as of 2018)

634,100 followers on the @Israel Twitter account

8,550 square miles of land

1948, the year Israel declared independence

1,500 rockets destroyed by the Iron Dome

480, the number of the direct bus from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv Central Station

200 museums in Israel, the most of any country in the world!

120 members of Knesset

181, the UN Resolution that created the Partition Plan for Israel and Palestine!

74.2% of Israelis are Jewish

72 years since Ben Gurion declared independence!

36 Ministers in the...

35th Knesset

30 parties ran for Knesset in the 2020 election

21% of Israelis are Arab

18, the age that Israelis start their mandatory army service

13 different Prime Ministers

13 days until annexation

12 Nobel Prizes

8 party lists crossed the threshold to get into the 35th Knesset.

4 bodies of water (Red Sea, Dead Sea, Mediterranean Sea, & Jordan River)

3 Abrahamic religions with holy sites in Jerusalem

2-state solution is under consideration for many, but there's only

1 Israel!

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